TWENTY Years!!!

Yesterday, someone on my friend’s list put up a status about a good day of home schooling and, naturally, being a home schooler….I responded. I mentioned that I had been schooling for…..well, let’s see….I had it in my head that it was like, 16 years?…then I thought, no. That was a couple of years back…so I adjusted it to 18 years. Then I got out the paper and pencil and realized it was a full twenty years as of this school year. It really took me by surprise. Twenty years……

Anyway,  another friend mentioned the rewards she received upon 20 years in education which included a banquet, a gift certificate and a plaque! If I am not mistaken, Washington County public school teachers can actually retire after 20 years and start drawing their pension!! A PENSION!!! Good night, people….I have yet to get a PAYCHECK!!!!!

Ok…so Heather…WHAT is your point? Ya know….I really am not sure what my point is….but I am not about to let this thought go without just a little fan fare!!

Here is to the lady back in Stuart, Florida….I think her name was Robbie something….who told me about homeschooling back at a time when she may as well have said to me…”You can fly to the moon and breathe under water tonight!!” Thank you Robbie for not only telling me about a solution to my very big problem but also for encouraging me, time and again as you came back to Albertson’s to get your groceries, to dive in and just do it! I did it and am STILL doing it….20 years (and 5 more children) later.

Here is to my husband, Chuck, who not only supported my ideas but also gave me full clearance and ability to stay at home and do what was best for our children by busting his ass all these years, winning the bread and not the least bit put out to have to do so. He never once had a bitter thought about me not earning an income and more so, has made every imaginable sacrifice in material living so I could do my job without any monetary reward. I need to remind myself at times, that there are husbands out there that demand their wives work and contribute to the money-making. Mine is NOT one of them…thank GOD!

Here is to my beloved mother, who way back at the start, gave full support and encouragement at a time when she was probably one of only 3 friends that I had….the other two being Susan Gilbert and my little sister Shannon. All three of these beautiful people have loved, supported and encouraged me through the years. They are forever in my heart.

And finally, I must pay tribute to a man who will never read this, he has passed, but his children might read it…Robert StClair. This was a man who set an example before me and my family that is simply indescribable. The combination of close family, disciplining children, honoring God and home education is without doubt the greatest living example I have ever witnessed by someone. This was all made possible because this man allowed us into his home and life at a time when I am sure his wife and children were thinking…..”The Niewadomskis….AGAIN???” His dedication to showing us the way of ‘homeschooling’ that we live and practice to this day was just incredible. My mind staggers at the thoughts I have even now as I recall it. Hind sight truly is…20/20.

Ok…enough babling. I’m done. For all you teachers out there…keep on teaching. You are changing lives, forming young minds. Don’t give up, whether public school or private or home school. There is no task more worthy of your dedication, paycheck or NO paycheck. I know I have at least ten years to go….maybe by then, I might be teaching my grandchildren….ya never know!!! 🙂

2 comments on “TWENTY Years!!!

  1. Hey, friend! You brought tears to my eyes when I read what you had to say about Robert. Wow. And just for the record, the “wife and children” were as excited having you a part of our lives as Robert was! We love ya’ll, and God bless you for honoring his memory in such a special way.

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